
The submission system is open from June 20, 2024, to September 20, 2024 (23:59:59 AoE).

Submission format and requirements

  • Each submission should be a zip file containing two parts:
    1. enhanced audios corresponding to the subset to be tested;
    2. a YAML (README.yaml) file containing the basic information about the submission (as listed below). The template can be found here.
      • team information (team name, affiliation, team mambers)
      • description of the training & validation data used for the submission
      • description of pre-trained models used for the submission (if applicable)
  • The zip file should only contain a single YAML (README.yaml) file and a folder named enhanced that contains all the enhanced audio files. That is, the directory structure after executing unzip {your_teamname}.zip should be as follows:
├── README.yaml
└── enhanced/
    ├── fileid_1.flac
    ├── fileid_2.flac
    ├── ...
    └── fileid_N.flac
  • Please encode all audio files in the 16-bit FLAC format to reduce the file size (< 300 MB).
    • The audio files should be encoded in mono-channel with its original sampling frequency.
    • All audio files should have the same named as the original audio files in the provided subset to be tested.
  • The submission should be done via our official leaderboard website:
    • A registration (please sign up at is required to participate in our challenge.
    • Each team shall only register once. Multiple registrations from different members in one team are not allowed.
  • Each team can submit up to 2 submissions per day during the challenge.
    • The third and later submissions will be ignored. The quota will be reset at 00:00 every day.
    • No submission will be accepted after the deadline (Septermber 20, 2024).
  • For each team, only the submission with the best leaderboard performance will be used for the final evaluation.

Submissions that fail to conform to the above requirements may be rejected.

Should you encounter any problem during the submission, please feel free to contact the organizers.


By submitting the results, the participants agree to the following conditions:

As a condition of submission, entrants grant the organizers, a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, distribute, publicly perform, create a derivative work from, and publicly display the submitted audio signals and CSV files (containing the performance scores). The main motivation for this condition is to donate the submitted audio signals and corresponding performance scores to the community as a voice quality dataset.